Just under one year ago, Apple shocked the computing world with a 9.7-inch touchscreen tablet that few truly expected. Some called the original Apple iPad a large-format iPhone. Others berated the name and made jokes that were not remotely funny. Now, 60,000 apps later (according to Apple, who counts every conceivable option) and just a few weeks after the first real Android 3.0 tablet contender hit the streets (Motorola Xoom), the iPad 2 has sauntered onto the playing field. Some expected pure gold: a tablet that runs as fast as a laptop and weighs less than a newspaper Yet, the reality with the iPad 2 is that Apple has taken an iterative approach. In many ways, the iPad 2 is a crowd pleaser because it does not rock the boat. At 241mm tall, 186mm wide, and 8.6mm thick, th
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